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Forest Path
About Me

About Me

Born in 1930; the Great Depression but privileged; relatively free youth (no play dates); WWII (very exciting to a young boy who liked to build model airplanes & play war); GA Tech engineer & Harvard MBA; Korean War - USAF (retired Captain, USAFR); pioneer in digital technology: installed RW 300, the1st industrial digital control system - now in Smithsonian; helped develop two of the first time-sharing computers - SDS 940 & SDS Sigma 7,precursors of PCs - now in Computer History Museum, helped plan both nodes of first Internet message - Xerox XDS Sigma 9 @ UCLA & XDS 940 @ SRI; high tech venture investor: 35+ start-up boards.


Volunteer: Unitarian Church; Chair, Opportunity Capital Corp (minority managed and invested VC firm); created West Marin "Litter Bugs Me" (annual litter retrieval) campaign, neighborhood organizer; bystander during Vietnam, 9/11, Trump; unscathed by the COVID pandemic; warm "blended" family: lovely wife, 4 kids, 5 grandkids, many friends; travel - 85 countries, 5400 species of birds (over half in world). At 93, I still have most of my wits about me: a very fortunate guy.


So join me in Truckin', Birdin’ and "Keepin' the Old Man Out"!

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