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Charlie Mountain at Lake Burton


Responded to a dare

Rattlesnake infested

Practically slid down the mountain under the laurel bushes


Have photo!

A symbol at Lake Burton to all of us was Charlie Mountain. It was a steep conical mountain at the end of one of the lake bends. We talked often about climbing “Big Charlie Mountain”, which we had renamed after my father..

The years went by and no one climbed Big Charlie Mountain. But one morning after a big party at Manry’s and a consequent hangover, I asked if someone with a boat would take me to the base  of Big Charlie Mountain. I got the ride and a promise to come back and pick me up in 4 hours.

I climbed the mountain. It was choked with laurel and difficult to get up. But I persisted and final got to the top, covered with sweat and scratches. I don’t know what I wxpected but was disappointed and soon started down.

The route down was equally challenging but, at least, gravity was on my side. I got to the bottom, took off my clothes and jumped into the lake. My ride arrived soon afterwards and I was most glad to put that adventure in the hind-view mirror..

Only afterward did I learn that the Charlie Mountain had the reputation of being “rattle-snake infested”….

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