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Drownproofing @ Tech under Coach Freddie Lanou


At Georgia Tech during Freshman year we had to take 3 quarters of physical education. The most challenging was the “Drown-proofing Course” under swim team Coach Freddy Lanou. He had developed this program for the US Navy during WW2.  The final exam tells the story: one’s hands were tied behind your back; you were then lifted by other students and your feet were tied together to your hands. You were then thrown in water for 2 minutes after which you were lifted out. All but one of us made it through. He had to be pulled out spouting water but was OK.

Coach Lanou called it “bobbing” -  How to bob: 

Take breath anytime your head is above water, put your face down; allow yourself to sink, you will come back up because your lungs are full, but come to the top face down, blow out breath, throw your head back with face & nose up!, take a deep breath; repeat…repeat….repeat….

I did it easily at age 89....

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