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Sylmar Earthquake, Feb. 9, 1971


I was awakened in our Santa Monica home on February 9th, 1971 by severe shaking and a roaring sound. Our 9-year old son, David, was screaming so I literally crawled down our upstairs hallway to his room to wake him and his brother and get them into the doorway of their room. I thought that our brick veneered home had surely lost all of its bricks and was amazed that the damage was limited to minor flooding caused by sloshing from our pool, an overturned bookshelf in our garage and a few vases. We were lucky indeed.

Many other parts of the Los Angeles area were not so lucky. A hospital and a freeway bridge in the San Fernando Valley collapsed killing several. I believe that it was the most destructive earthquake in the US since the San Francisco disaster in 1906.

The Currie’s had dodged a shacking bullet…

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